• 2022-05-28
    Which muscle isn’tthe masticatory muscle
    A: The temporalis
    B: The masseter
    C: The buccinator
    D: The medial pterygoid
  • C


    • 0

      The description of the realm of the<br/>FEMORAL triangle is correct () () () () A: Anterior wall is broad fascia B: The posterior wall is the biceps femoris,<br/>pubic muscle and its fascia C: The medial border is the medial border of the long adductor muscle D: The lateral border is the medial edge of the sartorius muscle<br/>E .The upper bound is the inguinal ligament

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      The<br/>power of chewing comes from () A: tooth B: mandibular movement C: masticatory muscle D: TMJ E: None of the above

    • 2

      The longest prismatoidal muscle in the whole body is ( ). A: Splenius muscle B: Longissimus dorsalis muscle C: Brachiocephalic muscle muscle D: Iliocostalis muscle

    • 3

      1. Which is responsible for detecting the changes in muscle length and speed? A: (A) motor neurons B: (B) muscle fibers C: (C) muscle spindle D: (D) primary sensory cortex

    • 4

      Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a: A: muscle sheath. B: muscle nucleus. C: muscle fibre. D: muscle tendon.