• 2022-05-28
    Which color is the most common one for Paper Cut?
    A: Yellow
    B: Red
    C: White
    D: Green
  • B


    • 0

      Which is the most common color for the bride’s wedding dress in western weddings?( ). A: Golden B: Silver C: Red D: White

    • 1

      In English, one of the colors implies being envy with somebody such as ______with envy. A: white B: yellow C: red D: green

    • 2

      The traditional colors of Christmas are ______. A: lack and white B: green and red C: white and blue D: yellow and red

    • 3

      若有语句enum color {red,yellow,blue=4,green,white};,则yellow和white的机内值分别是( )。 A: 2,5 B: 1,4 C: 1,6 D: 2,6

    • 4

      The color for Christmas are A: green B: red C: yellow