• 2021-04-14
    Convulsion of the eyelid is called_____
  • blepharospasm


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      在英文中“眼霜”一词应为()。 A: eyegel B: eyecream C: eyelid D: eyeshadow

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      Bluish complexion usually indicate _______. A: pain syndrome B: blood stasis C: convulsion D: cold syndrome

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      To move an organ, piece of skin etc from one person’s body and put it into another as a form of medical treatment is called_____

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      Which of the following conditions are edema? A: Edema in lower extrimities. B: Eyelid edema. C: Pulmonary edema. D: Pericardial effusion. E: Pleural effusion.

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      Who ______ the workers to take up the struggle A: called for B: called on C: called in D: called off