• 2022-05-28
    6. If someone's hometown is Northern Ireland, it means that _____.
    A: He or she is British
    B: He or she is English
    C: He or she is from the K.
  • A,C


    • 0

      中国大学MOOC: He or she is like a fish out of water means he or she can swim very well.

    • 1

      If someone’s skin is white and healthy, we say he or she has a ____ complexion.

    • 2

      What did the teacher think of Jesus Christ A: [A] She thought he was a real person. B: She thought he came from the Heaven. C: She didn't know who he was.

    • 3

      Use the prefixes im-, in-, un-, and dis- to create opposite meaning for these words.He's patient. __________________She's honest. ___________________He's friendly. ___________________He's competent. ___________________They're organized. __________________He looks healthy. __________________She's reliable. __________________She's considerate. __________________

    • 4

      【单选题】5. – Is she Helen ’ s grandmother? – . A. No, he isn ’ t. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she is. A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she is.