• 2022-05-28
    Japan is _____ the east of China, Taiwan is _____ the southeast of China.
    A: in, in
    B: to, in
    C: on, to
    D: in, to
  • B


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      中国大学MOOC: According to the author, the U.S. is facing the potential challenge from both China and Japan in East Asia.

    • 1

      Which countries are included in the East Asia building system? A: undefined B: China C: India D: Japan E: Vietnam F: Russia G: Korea

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      As we all know , Japan lie _________s the east of China.

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      In _____, nodding your head up and down means “yes”, while in some parts in ______, this motion can mean “no.” But in ______, nodding your head is a polite way to say “I heard you.” A: the United States; southeast Asia and China; Greece and Turkey; B: Greece and Turkey; southeast Asia and China; the United States; C: the United States; Greece and Turkey; southeast Asia and China D: Greece and Turkey; the United States; southeast Asia and China

    • 4

      In ancient China, the poem "peacock flies to the Southeast", which is called Yuefu Shuangbi in ancient China. What is the other one() A: 〖离骚〗 B: 〖木兰诗〗 C: 〖观沧海〗 D: 〖桃花源记〗