• 2022-05-28
    ‏Circular Agriculture is a new development mode relative to ( ) agricultural development.‌
    A: modern
    B: tradition
    C: digital
    D: Information
  • B


    • 0

      There two major categories of real estate development activity: land development and building development.

    • 1

      ______ has been considered as the “father of modern English novels” because of his contribution to the development of the new literature.

    • 2

      Agriculture played an essential role in the development of civilizations.

    • 3

      From its contents' page, we know that the book mainly discusses A: German development policy. B: German rural development. C: German development assistance. D: German development agencies.

    • 4

      The history and development of the English experiences Old English ,Middle English and _________three stages. A: New English B: Early English C: Modern English D: Late Modern English