• 2022-07-25
    A: licentious desires
    B: being excessive
    C: the point of debauch
    D: being sensual
  • B


    • 0

      中国大学MOOC: 子曰:“《关雎》, 乐而不淫,哀而不伤。”中《关雎》的最佳英译为:

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      中国大学MOOC: “Assertive” vs. “Pushy”: Being Assertive usually has positive connotations (being confident, decisive, letting your views be known) whereas Pushy has a negative connotation (being excessively assertive to the point of aggression or annoyance).

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      31. ____ Sunday, the library is closed. A: Being B: It being C: There being D: It is

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      You can save time except _______________________. A: being patient B: being consistent C: being flexible D: being generous

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      People and mentals all have a point at which they may snap because of the pressure being exerted.