• 2021-04-14
    “Rare chance” in the sentence “In the past, making a living took most of people's time, which gave them rare chance to go off on a trip” functions as ________
  • object complement(宾语补足语)


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      【CES科技展】The CES conference gave people a chance to see the hottest technology trends of the year.

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      It is high time that the government ( ) measures to protect rare birds and animals. A: takes B: took C: taken D: should take

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      Why not________the advice and give them a chance to try? A: takes B: took C: take D: taking

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      Someone's Achilles’ heel is his weakness that causes problems for them, especially because it gives other people a chance to attack or criticize them.

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      But once you get to recall this rare Shanghai Expo experience sometime in the future, you will probably be happy that you had the chance to partake in such a world-class event and such an unusual experience.