• 2022-07-23
    重要的需求模型包括( )。
    A: Domain Model
    B: User Model
    C: User-Domain Model
    D: Case Model
    E: User-Case Model
  • A,D,E


    • 0

      Which one is not a model of medical tourism?( ) A: Thailand Model B: China Model C: US Model D: India Model

    • 1

      数据库领域中最常用的数据模型有四种,它们是()。 A: A基本模型(Basic Model) B: B关系模型(Relational Model) C: C面向对象模型(Object Oriented Model) D: D网状模型(Network Model) E: E层次模型(Hierarchical Model)

    • 2

      在用例图建模实操中,创建的新工程中要新建一个用例模型,操作路径是:【File】→【New Model】→【Model types】→【Object-Oriented Model】→【Use Case Diagram】。

    • 3

      Select the following true words in which each one has been invented as a typical learning model for machine learning. A: Distributed model B: Geometric model C: Lifecycle model D: Logical model E: Networked model F: Probabilistic model

    • 4

      ‏Which model does not belong to the object oriented analysis model?‍ A: use case modeling B: class modeling C: dynamic modeling D: ER modeling