• 2021-04-14
    I’d like to go with you; ( ), my hands are full at the moment.
  • however


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      Would you like to go out for a walk with us? ---_________, but I must finish my homework first.

    • 1

      Speaker 1: What do you like to do in summer?Speaker 2: A: I'd like to go swimming. B: I often go skating. C: My favorite sport is basketball.

    • 2

      —Would you like to go out for a walk with me? —Sorry, I haveto finish my homework before my father ______ back.

    • 3

      Do you mind _______________________________ A: if I sit here for a moment B: if I will sit here for a moment C: if my sitting here for a moment D: I sitting here for a moment

    • 4

      Would you like some coffee? ( ) A: Yes, I like. B: My pleasure. C: No, thanks. D: Go ahead.