• 2022-07-27
    端午节是中华民族传统节日之一,它与春节、中秋节、清明节并称为中国四大传统节日。[br][/br] 有关端午节来历的传说较多,其中,纪念屈原一说广为流传,影响最大。 端午的习俗已经有两千多年的历史,其节俗活动极为丰富,赛龙舟、吃粽子、悬艾叶是端午节最重要的习俗。 端午节及其文化在全球的影响广泛而深刻,世界上许多国家和地区也有庆祝端午的习俗。
  • The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It is known as one of the four most important and grandest traditional Chinese festivals, the other three being the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Qingming Festival. There are many legends about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, the most popular and influencial of which is to commemorate Qu Yuan. The Dragon Boat Festival has a history of more than two thousand years, and examples of various customs include dragon boat racing, eating Zongzi, hanging Chinese mugwort leaf. The world is profoundly influenced by the Dragon Boat Festival and its culture is very influential, because it is widely celebrated in many countries and areas of the world.


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      常州人在春节、端午、中秋节时还有一个重要的习俗叫做“ 张节”。 A: 正确 B: 错误

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      俗有“南龙舟,北踏青”之说,因为北方少江河,所以端午节人们大都选择踏青。踏青不仅是端午的习俗,也是下面哪个节日的习俗呢() A: 春节 B: 清明 C: 重阳 D: 中秋

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      中国传统节日中唯一同节气合一的节日是()。 A: 元宵 B: 清明 C: 端午 D: 中秋

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      节,青浦地区至今还保留着吃糯米汤团、糊涂羹的习俗() A: 端午 B: 春节 C: 立春 D: 元宵

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      踏青的习俗不仅是端午的习俗,也是什么节日的习俗.() A: 中秋 B: 清明 C: 春节 D: 重阳