• 2022-07-28
    Mary seems to ______ a good memory for she can learn such a long passage by heart.
    A: bear with
    B: bearing with
    C: born with
    D: be born with
  • D


    • 0

      Human beings are born with a __________ to learn languages.

    • 1

      It is physically possible for your mother to leave Earth after you were born and return() A: younger<br/>than she was when she left B: before<br/>you were born C: before<br/>she was born D: older<br/>than she was when she left

    • 2

      What do some of the studies say about women? ( ) A: Women are at a disadvantage when it comes to maths. B: Women are good at maths. C: Women can learn anything a man can. D: Women was born knowing calculus.

    • 3

      From the passage, we can come to a conclusion that there is little or no glory attached to being born wealthy or privileged in the United States

    • 4

      Some people are born with good manners.