• 2021-04-14
    Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. It is not your aptitude, but your attitude that decides your altitude.
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      "Thank you. And may your future be worthy of your dreams."Which of the following attitude is expressed in this sentence? A: Expressive B: Directive C: Assertive D: Declarative

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      As a hotel operator, which sentence is more polite?( ) A: Please repeat your address. B: Your name, please? C: Hold on, please.

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      You are working on your first scientific paper. Which of the following is an acceptable sentence structure for your article?

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      The following sentence is grammatically correct or not: “If you are late for the conference, you will have to apologize to the others for your lateness.”

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      Listen to the following sentence, pay attention to the rhythmic pattern of the sentence and make your choice.