• 2022-07-26
    Chinese Buddhist temples have nothing in common with residences and palaces.
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      Which of the following temples is the largest Buddhist temple in Suzhou?

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      I have nothing ____ common with him. A: in B: on C: with

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      中国人根据中华文化发展了佛教思想并形成了独特的佛教理论。 A: The Chinese people have enriched Buddhism and developed some special Buddhist thoughts in the light of Chinese culture. B: The Chinese people in the light of Chinese culture have enriched Buddhism and developed some special Buddhist thoughts. C: / D: /

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      ​中国人根据中华文化发展了佛教思想并形成了独特的佛教理论。​ A: The Chinese people have enriched Buddhism and developed some special Buddhist thoughts in the light of Chinese culture. B: The Chinese people in the light of Chinese culture have enriched Buddhism and developed some special Buddhist thoughts. C: / D: /

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      have a stake in … A: concern B: have common interest or involvement in it C: have nothing with sb D: take disciplinary