• 2022-07-26
    I forget ______ the light in the office, so the lights in the office are still on.
    A: turning off
    B: to turn off
    C: having turned off
    D: turned off
  • C


    • 0

      Don't forget ______ the light when you leave. A: turn off B: to turn off C: turning off D: turned off

    • 1

      Don’t forget ______ the light when you leave the office. A: to turn off B: turning off C: turned off D: turn off

    • 2

      ()the road, and you will come to the post office. A: If you were to turn off B: Turn off C: Turning off D: Having turned off

    • 3

      Don’t forget ____ off the light when you leave the classroom. A: turned B: turning C: will turn D: to turn

    • 4

      All the lights before we left the office. A: has been turned off B: have turned off C: had been turned off D: had turned off