• 2021-04-14
    4 I never eat meat. I occasionally eat meat. ____
  • D


    • 0

      If you want to be _________ (health), don't eat too much meat.

    • 1

      What products have been damaged A: Wheat, corn, meat and sugar. B: Wheat, maize, cotton and meat. C: Wheat, cotton, meat and bean. D: Wheat, sugar, meat and bean.

    • 2

      ________is a healthy way of eating food. A: To have more meat and fish than vegetables B: To take Chinese rice C: To eat more vegetables and bean curd than meat D: To eat half a pound of meat for each meal

    • 3

      You should also follow__________ and eat lots of vegetables and frits, but little meat.()

    • 4

      Nowadays ,with increasing numbers of people living in cities, we _As a result__ eat more meat.( As a result)