• 2022-07-26
    The Schrödinger equation is as fundamental to quantum mechanics as Newton's laws are to mechanics.
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      The success of mechanics in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature suggested to Galileo that all nature is designed ______________ mechanical laws.

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      The eigenvalue problem for the Schrödinger equation [img=324x61]18034571f1a03d4.png[/img] has solution for all [img=36x20]18034571fa6baec.png[/img].

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      Spherical polar coordinates are used to solve the Schrödinger equation for a hydrogen atom because A: the Laplacian operator has its simplest form in spherical polar coordinates. B: Cartesian coordinates would give particle-in-a-box wavefunctions. C: the Schrödinger equation is then separable into 3 ordinary differential equations. D: otherwise the atomic orbitals would violate the Pauli exclusion principle.

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      (G9)Schrödinger 方程在量子力学中的地位与 Newton 方程在经典力学中的地位相当,它具有下列性质 A: Schrödinger 方程是量子力学中的一个基本假定,它的正确性只能靠实践来检验 B: 态迭加原理要求 Schrödinger 方程必须是一个线性方程 C: Schrödinger 方程是一个偏微分方程 D: Schrödinger 方程给出了量子态随时间演化的因果关系 E: Schrödinger 方程给出了微观体系运动的动力学机制 F: 满足 Schrödinger 方程的解都可以描述微观体系的状态,是物理上可以接受的解

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      Ψ in the<br/>Schrödinger equation is ( ) A: wave<br/>function B: probability<br/>density C: radial<br/>wave function D: angular<br/>wave function