• 2022-07-26
    Which one of the following individuals are most likely to be paid using a piecemeal rate?
    A: An individual working in a factory on a production line producing motor vehicles
    B: An individual working in an accountancy practice producing financial statements and analysis
    C: An individual working in a restaurant serving meals
    D: An individual operating a sewing machine producing jeans
  • D


    • 0

      All of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT ______ . A: working in a bank B: going to the cinema C: attending a night school D: growing beans for sale

    • 1

      When an individual firm in a competitive market increases its production, it is likely that the market price will fall.

    • 2

      Choose which of the following is a benefit to the individual while receiving training?

    • 3

      14. One of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they ________ within individuals and sometimes within an individual's family.

    • 4

      Which of the following are consumers least likely to consider when defining quality A: value B: individual development C: psychological impressions D: fitness for use