• 2021-04-14
    Listen to a phone message and complete the following note._ Telephone Message
  • 8021emailsfiles


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      What should follow "To" in telephone message? A: Caller B: Addressee C: Message taker D: date

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      Task 1You will hear a telephone conversation about arranging a meeting.Listen and complete the telephone message by filling in the blanks. Write only ONE word or number for each blank.You will hear the conversation TWICE

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      ​浏览器不支持音频​Listen to the telephone message and make your choice: The interview is arranged to be ___________. A: on 11th of August. B: on Monday morning. C: at 10:25.

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      —Is Mike in?—Sorry, he's out. Would you like to __________________? A: leave a message B: take a message C: take a note

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      Which of the following is not the common feature of a note? A: Short in length B: Conversational in style C: Entertaining in content D: Quick in conveying message