• 2021-04-14
    If ____in the fridge, the fruit can remain fresh for more than a week.
  • kept


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      On my Instagram, they can see pictures of fancy meals, fresh flowers, 5)dresses and even a fridge full of 6).

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      How long did the fight last A: less than an hou B: more than a day C: more than a week

    • 2

      Fresh fruit and vegetables______. A: contain more vitamin C than any other food B: decrease our resistance to colds C: contain every kind of vitamin D: increase our susceptibility to influenza

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      Identify the error in each of the following sentences and correct it.1.Various fruit are on sale there; people are eating more fruit than before.

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      (11)、 [单选题] (2分 A: Two days. B: Less than a week. C: More than a week. D: Three days.