• 2021-04-14
    A bee that has found honey is able to __...o collect the honey.
  • transmit


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      A bee that has found honey is able to ________ other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. A: transform B: transmit C: identify D: inherit

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      A bee that has found honey is able to ____________ to other bees the informationthey need in order to collect the honey. A: resources B: transmit C: yield D: pose

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      A bee that has found honey is able to _____ to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. A: explore B: transmit C: resources D: emerged E: yield F: pose G: assume H: confidence I: inherited J: comprehensive

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      A bee which has found honey can __________ to other bees the information. ( ) A: transition B: transfer C: swift D: transmit

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      朗读下列句子,选出句子中含有所给读音/ē/的单词I see a bee making honey in a tree. A: see B: bee C: honey D: tree