• 2021-04-14
    He didn't take part in the competition, he _______ though.
  • He was one of the slow swimmers.


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      Part I: Listening Comprehension (15%) A: He didn't look for a tie. B: He didn' t want a tie. C: He couldn' t find the tie. D: He couldn' t try the tie on.

    • 1

      Sam got caught in the rain. Why didn’t he take an umbrella? A: He didn’t want to take it. B: His umbrella was broken. C: He did not have an umbrella. D: He forgot his bag at home

    • 2

      Though he (fail) ________ many times, Paul didn’t lose heart.

    • 3

      He complained that they didn’t cooperate with him,________? A: didn’t they B: didn’t he C: did they D: did he

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      ___ he didn’t have much money, he wasn’t able to buy his father an expensive gift. A: Even though B: Because C: Although