• 2021-04-14
    We cannot_____________ (existence) without air, food and water.
  • exist


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      Without the atmosphere,we could not breathe. A: the air around the earth B: the height of the mountains C: the water in the ocean D: the size of the cities

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      Water and air are _______ to human beings. We can not live without them. (B2-U1) A: harbou B: function C: definite D: essential

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      Water is 1) __________. We all need water.

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      How is food for plants made Food for plants is made ______. A: from water B: from the air in the sky C: from the soil D: from water, things in the soil and air and sunlight

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      中国大学MOOC: Without sunlight, air and water, plants on the earth _____ well.