• 2021-04-14
    Frank joined the U.S. ____________ during World War II, and frequently exchanged _______________ with Polly, his wife. Frank, away in England, wrote about his _____________ for home and his feelings towards Polly and Dee, their __________ daughter , while Polly described in detail her life at home and expressed her concern over the war, as well as the ____________ she endured from the long separation . They wrote about their love for each other and comforted each other with the expectation for their ___________ in the future. Tragically, however, Frank was killed in the Normandy landing operation on ______________ .
  • Army
    --- letters --- longings --- toddler --- loneliness --- reunion --- D-Day


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      Addressing each other by his or her titl...us and achievements.

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      In communication, it is always a golden rule to be frank with each other, speaking one’s mind.

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      Addressing each other by his or her title is necessary because titles represent people’s social status and achievements.

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      Unlike some kids who graduate high school eager to start a life away from home, Matt ________ a college about 30 miles from his home so that he could remain devoted to family, and especially his mother.

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      During the war, but also he lost his wife and his child.