• 2021-04-14
    English expressions can be formal, informal, or colloquial/slang. Which one below is formal?
  • What you are proposing does not seem feasible.


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      Is the following sentence formal, neutral or informal?We can assist in the solution of this matter. A: Informal B: Formal C: Neutral

    • 1

      When dome, bean and block are used to mean head, which level of usage do they fall into? A: formal B: common C: informal D: slang

    • 2

      ______ invitation is often used in a business setting. A: formal B: informal C: formal and informal D: formal or informal

    • 3

      When learning a language, it's important to know the dis______ between formal and informal expressions so that you can use them properly in different situations.

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      Which one is more formal?