• 2021-04-14
    A new research center will be _____ to study lung cancer.
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      The change in smoking habits _______ a change in the incidence of lung cancer. The more people smoke, the more chances of occurrence for lung cancer.

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      What did the team of Cancer Prevention Research Center do?() A: The team issued a report written by Healy. B: The team found their report online. C: The team issued their study online. D: The team made an online journal.

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      ‎Lung cancer is the most ______ found cancer in men.​

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      在PubMed中检索肺癌的预防或治疗的相关文献,检索策略应为 A: Lung cancer AND Prevention AND therapy B: Prevention OR therapy AND Lung cancer C: Prevention AND therapy OR Lung cancer D: Lung cancer AND Prevention OR therapy

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      Which organization was the first to study the impact of mobile phones on health A: The International GSM Association. B: The International Agency on Research on Cancer. C: The Dutch technological research institute. D: The 3G research organization.