• 2022-06-30
    Power is a function of ( ) .
    A: satisfaction
    B: Strength
    C: authority
    D: dependency
  • D


    • 0

      Which function is what depiction of helix can't be separated from? A: Trigonometric function B: Logarithmic function C: Exponential function D: Power function

    • 1

      What is delegated by a superior to a subordinate? A: Authority B: Power C: Responsibility D: Division of labor

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      King Solomon is famous for his ________. A: wealth B: strength C: power D: wisdom

    • 3

      His sincerity added much more credibility to the words. A: authority B: honesty C: power D: passion

    • 4

      As soon as his party came into ______ they changed the law. A: force B: power C: strength D: position