• 2021-04-14
    a property online or visit the estate agency,
  • 1. Pay  2. Move  3. Sign  4.View  5.Search for  6.Choose  7.Pick up


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      Real estate development is the process by which an entity makes improvements to real property, thereby increasing its value.

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      A site had to be found for it.____ had to be found. A: A land B: A plot of land C: A property D: An estate

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      Property law is the area of law that governs the various forms of (1) and (2) in real property (land as distinct from personal or movable possessions) and in personal property, within the common law legal system. In the civil law system, there is a division between (3) and immovable property. Movable property roughly (4) to personal property, while immovable property corresponds to real estate or real property, and the associated rights and obligations thereon.

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      How do you book the tickets?( ) A: booking-office B: official airlines C: website online D: travel agency

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      If you want to do some shopping online, which websites can you visit?