• 2021-04-14
    The owner of a sole proprietorship:
  • has unlimited liability for the business debts.


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      The owner of the single proprietorship has the right to change the size and management of the business unit as he or she desires at any time.

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      A ________ is a form of business that is owned, and usually managed, by one person. A: closed corporation B: subchapter S corporation C: sole proprietorship D: limited partnership

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      Which one of the following business types is best suited to raising large amounts of capital? A: sole proprietorship B: limited liability company C: corporation D: general partnership

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      The type of business organization that can survive the death of an owner and subjects its owners to unlimited liability is a:() A: sole proprietorship. B: partnership. C: closely held corporation.

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      In order to make sure his new company is successful ______. A: he remains the sole owner B: he is keeping it small C: he does not take risks