• 2021-04-14
    New words related to food are continuously being added to our vocabulary, for instance, the term 'functional foods.' Which of the following are considered to be functional foods? Select all that apply.
  • Vitamin WaterCalcium-enriched orange juiceOat bran cerealOmega 3 eggsProbiotic yogurt


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      Which of the following words is a functional word?() A: lexicology B: AI C: the D: magnificent

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      中国大学MOOC: Which one of the following foods belongs to yin(阴) food?

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      Which of the following words is a functional word? A: Often B: Never C: Although D: Desk

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      The following words have all been added a new meaning related to computers or the Internet except: A: Spam B: wicked C: surf D: mouse

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      Which of the following foods is considered nutritious A: Candy. B: Pretzels. C: Potato chips. D: Popcorn.