• 2021-04-14
    The sentence pattern “The findings hold important implications ...” is used to indicate the ( )of the study.
  • conclusion


    • 0

      Which sentence pattern can be used to show “values” in Discussion section?

    • 1

      Question 8The Write101x team created lecture videos to teach students about grammar which is an important part of writing, which itself is vitally important to many fields of work and study. A: Fused sentence B: Sentence fragment C: Comma splice D: Listlike sentence E: And-ness F: Of-ness G: Is-ness

    • 2

      The study of a language through the course of its history is called A: [A] Perspective study. B: [B] Descriptive study. C: [C] Synchronic study. D: [D] Diachronic study.

    • 3

      Which of the following statements about keywords in functions are true..( ) A: The functions with suffiffiffixes of rnd are used to indicate the random number generator. B: The functions with suffiffiffixes of stat are used to indicate the statistics analysis. C: The functions with suffiffiffixes of fit are used to indicate the parametric estimation. D: The functions with suffiffiffixes of pdf are used to indicate the probability density function.

    • 4

      These results are[input=type:blank,size:4][/input]with the findings of the previous study. (consistent, consistency)