• 2021-04-14
    African safari is about animals in their natural habitat, and lots of animals are easily seen but__.
  • A.polar bear


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      People who fish and sail sometimes ________ to have seen strange animals in the sea。

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      ________ they have written about the behaviors of animals is hardly anything new.

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      下列哪些选项中的代码在实际运行过程中会报错( ) A: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')print(animals[0]) B: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals[0] = '蛇' C: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals = ('蛇',) D: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals.append('蛇')print(animals)

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      What kinds of foods are considered natural foods? A: vegetables ,fruit ,and grain grown in soil rich in vitamins and minerals B: vegetables ,fruit ,and grain C: animals D: animals allowed to feed and move freely outdoors.

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      Who made specific plans about how to catch and kill animals for food?