• 2022-06-28
    Don't worry, I have already _______ them _________ the decision.
    A: informed, with
    B: informed, of
    C: informed, fo
    D: informed, that
  • B


    • 0

      It is important that the committee ____ about the project at once. A: will be informed B: e informed C: is informed D: eing informed

    • 1

      When we'll have take the final exam ___ A: is not informed B: has not been informed C: has not imformed yet D: has informed

    • 2

      A: Have they informed you that the meeting place has been changed?B: Have they informed you ____ the _____ of the meeting place?

    • 3

      They desire that the tour leader () them immediately of any change in plans. A: informs B: informed C: inform D: has informed

    • 4

      Mom insisted that I _______ her of the fact. A: informed B: had to inform C: inform D: be informed