• 2022-06-28
    A: Nose is subdivided into a left and right canal by the nasal septum. Each canal opens to the face by a nostril and into the pharynx by the choana.
    B: The nasal septum divides the nose into the left and right nasal cavities, which open in the face through the nostrils and communicate with the pharynx through the posterior nasal foramen.
  • A


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      nasal fin

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      经鼻气管插管路径的解剖标志依次是 A: 鼻前庭、鼻后孔、咽峡、喉、气管 B: 鼻孔、鼻后孔、鼻咽部、梨状隐窝、气管 C: 鼻前庭、固有鼻腔、鼻咽部、喉口、气管 D: 鼻孔、鼻后孔、声门裂、喉口、气管

    • 3

      What phonetic features do "[P]" and "[m]" share A: Nasal, bilabial. B: Nasal, stop. C: Affricate, consonant. D: Bilabial, consonant.

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      下列有关咽的交通,正确的是( ) A: 经咽峡与口腔相通 B: 经咽口与喉相通 C: 经鼻后孔与鼻腔相通 D: 经咽鼓管咽口与中耳鼓室相通 E: 向下通食管