• 2021-04-14
    I _____ 3000 yuan _____ this ipad.
  • spent; on


    • 0

      —— Let's ________the bill. So 25 Yuan for each.—— The dinner is on me. I pay the bill.

    • 1

      I have to ______ five yuan for the new book. A: spend B: pay C: cost D: use

    • 2

      ---- May I ask about my _________?- Sure. 1,500 yuan a month. After three months, you’ll be paid 2,000 yuan a month. A: work hours B: duty C: salary D: workplace

    • 3

      --- May I ask about my ________?--- Sure. 3,500 yuan a month. After three months, you'll get 4,000 yuan a month. A: work hours B: duty C: salary D: workplace

    • 4

      I bought a coat for only 20 yuan; it was a real ______. A: goods B: bargain C: coat D: clothing