• 2021-04-14
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      下列关于transform-origin属性说法错误的有: A: 值为top left | left top 时,等价于 0 0 B: 值为left | left center | center left时, 等价于50% 0 C: 值为right | right center | center right 时,等价于 100% 50% D: 值为bottom | bottom center | center bottom 时,等价于100% 50%

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      ‏When what is referred to occurs in a previous context and the definite article has to point backward for its meaning, this is known as _____ reference.‏ A: forward B: backward C: anaphoric D: cataphoric

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      与调用语句Call MySub(100,n)等价的语句是( )。 A: MySub(100,n) B: MySub 100,n C: Call MySub 100,n D: Call MySub(n,100)

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      与表达式成绩>=0and成绩<=100等价的是()。 A: 0<=成绩<=100 B: 成绩between0and100 C: 成绩>=0,成绩<=100 D: between0and100

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      Because of his long illness, Tom was ( ) in his studies. A: backward B: forward C: back and forth D: award