• 2021-04-14
    智慧职教: Consolidation service typically involves( ).
  • cargo transportation to the stuffing point0001custom process of shipping documents0001stuffing of cargo in container0001re-packing


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      Which of the following statements are correct?( ) A: A service usually involves transfer of ownership. B: A physical good is a product. C: A physical good is tangible, a service is intangible. D: A service is a product.

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      中国大学MOOC: The job typically involves female jobs, such as waitress, florist, nurse, secretary, receptionist, tutor, babysitter; it refers to ________workers.

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      智慧职教: The last step of A la carte restaurant service process is?

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      智慧职教: Take a guest and take a seat is the first step of service?

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      智慧职教: ( )and ( ) staff of international standard ensure you the best service