• 2021-04-14
    The local government ________ public pressure and cancelled the nuclear power program. (bow to)

  • was forced/had to bow to


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      What is TRUE about the Social Security program according to the passage? A: Both employers and employees pay into the pension program. B: Workers pay most amount of the money into the program. C: The local and the federal governments jointly established the program. D: Self-employed people needn’t pay into the program for themselves.

    • 1

      The local government has decided on new measures to ( ) car use in favor of public transportation.

    • 2

      In Britain, state schools are funded by local and central government, so they are commonly called public schools.

    • 3

      The local government planned to launch a new program to help the poor. A: start B: establish C: construct D: select

    • 4

      The accident generated a lot of public interest in the nuclear power issue. () A: produced B: decreased C: increased D: drove