• 2021-04-14
    If you are forced to abandon ship in a lifeboat,you should().
  • A


    • 0

      This doesn’t mean that you should _______ the tools, and that all the vendors should stop producing and marketing those tools. A: indulge B: release C: relieve D: abandon

    • 1

      This doesn’t mean that you should _______ the tools, and that all the vendors should stop producing and marketing those tools. A: indulge B: elease C: elieve D: abandon

    • 2

      We are in urgent need of the cargoes. _________you ship them by direct steamer? A: Should B: Can C: May D: Must

    • 3

      What kind of _______________ did you have when you traveled on the ship?

    • 4

      As you know, we are forced to cancel the delivery.