• 2021-04-14
    There are _______ mistakes in the paper.
  • a few


    • 0

      If you want to give a gift to your Japanese business associate, you’d better choose _______ as the wrapping paper. A: white paper B: light yellow paper C: green paper D: blure paper

    • 1

      ____ abstracts usually describe what the paper is about, the topic, purpose, scope, and method of the paper.

    • 2

      The teacher asked all the students ______ the mistakes in the test paper. A: to correct B: to vary C: to change D: to alternate

    • 3

      The number of spelling mistakes in his paper _____so big that everyone was taken aback by that.

    • 4

      The professor has assigned the students a research paper. The purpose of the paper is to acquaint them with method of scholarly research.