• 2021-04-14
    Looping is a kind of focused freewriting,during the freewriting you just write down whatever comes into your mind with no worry about( )
  • organization0001Grammar0001vocabulary0001choice


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      You write a business letter to a company telling them about your latest projects. What kind of writing is it?

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      What can you do when you are writing in the way of stream of consciousness?( ) A: Sit in a sofa in a comfortable position so as to recall something. B: Take time to worry whether your words make sense or follow logically. C: Take time to edit your outpourings. D: Write down absolutely everything in your mind or what you notice.

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      The following five prewriting techniques will help you think about and develop a topic and get words on paper: _________________. A: freewriting B: questioning C: making a list D: clustering

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      What could be the methods when you are generating ideas?( ) A: brainstorming B: freewriting C: clustering

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      ( )you just need to write down ideas in the form of "words".