• 2021-04-14
    The new government was ______ with many profound difficulties and called for supports from its people.
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      There are many people. These people want to see the film.=There are many people ____ see the film.

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      ________ is money that a company, organization, or government receives from people. A:

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      The splendid opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics showed China’s profound culture and wisdom of its people.

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      Many local people object ______the building of the new business center. A: from B: of C: to D: against

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      The federal union is a union of people in which ___________. A: the national government and state government receive power from the people and exercise authority over each other B: the national government and state government receive power from the people and exercise authority over the people C: state government receives power from the national government and exercises authority over the people D: the national government receives power from the state and exercise authority over the state