• 2021-04-14
    short a = -128;short b = 128;System.out.println('a & b = ' + (a & b));
  • 128


    • 0

      在代码段内的-128~127个字节前后范围的跳转,可以用___________类型名表示。 A: WORD B: DWORD C: SHORT D: FAR

    • 1

      【单选题】The types of short-circuit in three-phase system are three-phase short-circuit, two-phase short-circuit, two-phase short-circuit grounding and single-phase short-circuit grounding. When the three phases of the system are short-circuited, they are still in the symmetrical stated. Other types of shorted circuit are asymmetric short circuit. Which of the following types is a symmetrical short circuit? A. Single phsae ground short circuit B. Three phase short circuit C. Two phase short circuit D. Two phase ground short circuit

    • 2

      程序需要存储一个数值为128的常量,可用的占用存储空间最小的的数据类型为( )。 A: byte B: long C: int D: short

    • 3

      请看下面的程序代码,当 n 为( )值时,程序段将输出字符串 second。 [br][/br] switch(n) { [br][/br] case 0: System .out .println(“first”); [br][/br] case 1: [br][/br] case 2: System .out .println(“second”); break; [br][/br] default: System .out .println(“end”); [br][/br] }(2.0) A: 0 B: 1 C: 2 D: 以上都可以

    • 4

      下列关于基本数据类型的取值范围描述中,正确的是(): A: char类型范围是0-65535 B: Boolean类型范围是真或假 C: Byte类型范围是-128~128 D: short类型范围是-32767~32767