• 2021-04-14
    That difference in ___ may be partly because of how familiar they are with different situations, Figner says.
  • perception


    • 0

      If we try our best,we may make a ____. A: difficult B: difficulty C: difference D: different

    • 1

      Some people prefer in-store shopping because there may be a familiar salesperson who greets them______ name and knows their preferences.

    • 2

      A goat is ______ from a sheep. What's ______ between them A: difference, different B: different, the difference C: the difference, different

    • 3

      When someone says “Could you tell me how to keep fit?”, you may say_________.

    • 4

      These students quit school partly because they are keen acquiring hands-on experience and partly because they are eager to see the real world.