• 2021-04-14
    They have sold _____ their whole stock of frozen fish.
  • C


    • 0

      This kind of cloth_______well and large quantities of the cloth ________. A: is sold; have been sold B: is sold; has been sold C: sells; have been sold D: sells ; has been sold

    • 1

      The minimum amount of fish for a healthy diet is two portions a week including canned and smoked fish.

    • 2

      Hurry up, or the tickets ___out by the time we get there. A: will have sold B: will sell C: have sold D: will have been sold

    • 3

      All the tickets ______ out when we arrived. A. had sold B. have been sold C. have sold D. had been sold

    • 4

      --- I have sold the painting you saw last week at the price of 1000 Yuan. --- You have sold it? The painting is __________. You should not have sold it at such a low price.