• 2021-04-14
    What kinds of dance steps can Joe do?
    Joe can __________________________.

  • do a moonwalk, a swing, a twirl-all populardance steps.


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      Which are the teaching steps of viewing teaching? ( ). A: What can you see? B: What is the image trying to tell us? C: What can you touch? D: What do you feel?

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      They want to know ()to help us. A: they can they do it B: that they can do it C: what they can do D: what can the do

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      Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe Joe A: Funny. B: Clever. C: Brave. D: Stupid.

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      6. What is a library? A library is a place where_____. 7.What can we get from libraries? We can get all kinds of________. 8. What kinds of books are available? There are fiction, nonfiction and________. 9. What do the students go to the library to do? Students go to the libraries to study and to write_______. 10. If one is in a hurry, how can he get the information? He can______.

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      Debra was impressed by Joe’s dance so she decided to teach him how to dance.