• 2021-04-14
    What is the meaning of00a0white in the facial makeup?
  • treachery and cunning


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      What is the meaning of red in the facial makeup? A: just and noble B: loyal and uprigh C: irascible and irritable D: faithful and straightforward

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      What is the meaning of the facial makeup of Cao Cao? A: impartial and incorruptible B: a villain C: a loyal person D: treacherous and cunning

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      What is the meaning of the facial makeup of a distorted face drawn with asymmetrical lines? A: impartial and incorruptible B: a villain C: a loyal person D: treacherous and cunning

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      What color of facial makeup does Guan Yu have in traditional Beijing opera?

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      reading:a. Answer the following questions according to the Passage.5. What is the function of facial makeup?