• 2022-10-29
    He soon made a () for himself on the stage.
    A: popularity
    B: fame
    C: prominence
    D: reputation
  • D


    • 0

      He got rather drunk and made a ___ of himself .

    • 1

      The bird began to dance______. A: as soon as they saw him B: as soon as he had finished cleaning himself C: as soon as he settled down D: some time after they first saw them

    • 2

      He soon _______ himself to the new environment. A: fitted B: suit C: adjust D: changed

    • 3

      He has made a ______ for himself as an expert public speaker.

    • 4

      The author returned home for winter break, feeling proud of himself because __________. A: he managed to be an honorable and industrious top student in the college B: he made quite a few friends on his own without the help of his father's good reputation C: he successfully lived independently by himself in a college far away from home D: he was admired by the girl in his college for having a well-respected father