• 2022-10-26
    What are guidelines for a better business writing?
    A: Have a specific reader or audience in mind
    B: Know your objectives
    C: Decide which information is essential to include
    D: Decide how to present the information
  • A,B,C,D


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      What are the guidelines for speaking impromptu? A: Decide quickly what your one message will be. B: Do not try to memorize what you will say. C: Start off strong and with confidence D: Decide on your transitions from one point to the other. E: Occasionally throw in an off-the-cuff remark F: Have a good conclusion

    • 1

      What is the purpose of the passage in Question 3?( ) A: to entertain the reader. B: to persuade the reader to continue reading for more information about how to write a business proposal. C: to inform the reader about the website. D: to inform the reader about the business proposal.

    • 2

      Which statement is NOT the correct one in the following? A: It is better to use multiple slides or the animation feature to control the display of information on your slide. B: It is better not to make a slide crowded. C: It is better not to copy texts form your thesis to the slide directly. D: It is better to put many words in the slide to make your audience get the information clearly.

    • 3

      Decide which elements are essential:

    • 4

      Watch the video again and decide whether each of the following information is true (T) or false (F). One in three Americans don’t know they have diabetes.