• 2022-10-30
    17. This offer is subject _____ your reply _____ us before August 1.A. to, reach B. to, reaching C. for, reach D. for, reaching
    A: A
    B: B
    C: C
    D: D
  • B


    • 0

      This offer is firm subject ____ your reply reaching us ______ the end of this month.

    • 1

      Our offer is subject to your reply reaching here by August 15, Beijing time. A: firm offer B: non-firm offer

    • 2

      The offer is firm ____ your reply reaching us before the end of this month.

    • 3

      【单选题】This offer is _________ to your reply reaching here before the end of this month. A: compare B: subject C: limit D: Back

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: This offer is _____________ to your reply reaching us before the 20th of February.